Amazing week! I don't know where to begin! So much has happened
concerning the firesides and they are really starting to take off! So
last week we performed Wednesday in Brighton and they loved it! I got to
see some families from the Fort Lupton Ward and people I know from Brighton. So let me tell you what came out of Brighton. An investigator
came with a set of sisters from Westminster because she heard about our
performance and wanted to see it. They went but we didn't get to see them
because we were talking to all the youth and the others who were in
attendance. Anyway the day after the performance was over the sisters Missionaries went to her house for a lesson. The lady said I know the Book of
Mormon is true and that we have a Prophet on the earth today because of
the fireside. They put her on date for this Saturday and Elder
Hasse and I got permission to go and we sang Peace in Christ for her baptism. Beautiful ceremony and the spirit was very strong, I almost cried. A very
memorable experience for me!
Wait there's more. So
after Wednesday in Brighton, President was able to schedule a gig in
Westminster for the youth conference that was going on there. The Stake
President was hesitant at first but said he'd give it a shot. Sister Savage said that was our best performance yet. And here were the
results. The youth want an album, they said the songs were so awesome! Ton of them said they felt their testimonies grow and caused a lot of
them to act. And two non member Laurels were invited that we got to talk
to after. They said, "honestly, I have seen you guys around my
neighborhood so many times and I was always scared of you and I always
heard weird things about Mormons. But tonight I loved it so much and
realized that you guys are just normal people." They then agreed that
they felt good inside and it sure was the spirit testifying to what we
said was true. They then decided they wanted to go to church the next
day. The two non members friend got up in fast and testimony
meeting and bore her witness that she gained a witness at the fireside
that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith was a prophet and
that the Church is God's church on the earth. After testimony meeting
was over the two non member girls said that they believe the church is
true and that they quote, "already feel like members and would agree to
getting baptized" how freaking cool is that!!!
Also, after the fireside
we shared with all the parents the post I posted on facebook of the
flyer. they said we are sharing it with with everyone they know in the
mission and they are going to invite their adult friends to the next one
in Arvada! Apparently the news is spreading and starting to be heard
around the mission. We are performing for both zone conferences so the
missionaries can see it and so they can get hyped to invite
investigators. Because, if these instigators go they will most likely
have spiritual experience if not better than the one Savory Pond's
sisters investigator had!! So stoked!!! Now there are two posters in
every Stake in the mission.
But every time I
do these firesides I get such a strong feeling and thought from the
spirit that this is what I'm needed to do for the rest of my life. I
don't know how it's going to be done, I dont know the logistics but I know
I can do it and the ability to bless others life's will be well worth
more than a big home and a lot of material things. But I know if I trust
the Lord and sacrifice my talents for others he will provide for me.
Parable of the talents explains it well!
We are
still taking a lot of time a way from our areas. Investigators aren't
acting so they are kinda slipping through the cracks a little. But the
Lord is still blessing our ward with new investigators and members
coming back into reactivity. We might have a baptism Saturday or next
depending on if this lady is ready or not. She has been coming to church
for years and knows everything is true. Bishop is a little skeptical
she may or may not have health problems so we are playing it by ear. We
have this new investigator named Dani who is super solid only problem is
he is on probation. But the girl he is dating is a less active LDS lady
so they are definitely of the house of Israel but it will be a process
before he is baptized. That is okay though because that is the people I
have been lead to my whole mission because that is where God knows I can
best be used for.
Anyway super excited to
come home! But super sad at the same time mixed emotions! But I'm ready!! And yes I'm packing a box and giving it to Sister Simmons. Tell her I
will bring it to her Friday the 29th at the Parker event!!
I gotta go!
Love ya!
Elder Brown