Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 86 An Emotional Roller Coaster of a Week. HE LIVES!

I don't know where to start....

1.) This week one of our investigators Patros Mabany was shot and killed in Aurora at his night job. He and his brother are both investigating the church. Their mom is a member,  her name is Mary Majok! I'll tell you this story of how everything happened. 

We came into Patros life at a crucial time.   He expressed to us how he has had a desire to change his life and to come closer to God and that's what we decided to do. We taught him the Restoration of the Gospel and promised him that by being baptized that you can start a new chapter and make a promise with God to follow him more fully in his life. He agreed to be baptized on March 31st. One day he called us and told us he was struggling getting along with his family. We had no idea what was going on so we drove over and helped calm him down. He expressed that his family is against him and how he feels under attack! We talked about families and their purpose and then drove off. Next thing we know we are prompted to return and once again Potros is storming out of the house. We go in and talk to his mom and find out he has an older brother Sam. Sam is 24.   Patros is 21.  We go on a walk with Sam and talk to him about how Patros was getting into bad stuff and in the wrong crowd and we figured that Patros felt that his brother was just humiliating him in front of his mom when he only wanted to help his brother in the long run. We talked to Sam and how he wanted to come closer to God and be an example to his younger siblings and Patros by being baptized. So we moved his date to the 14th of April. After talking and walking with Sam we went back to the house and Partros was inside playing video games with his younger brothers and sisters. We got him to come outside and Sam the eldest( now keep in mind these guys are both 6'8 265 pounds) apologized to Patros and they hugged it out and we then testified to them how important brothers in the gospel are and how they need to be tight. We set a return appointment with them and planned to meet on Tuesday of last week. 

So Tuesday rolls around and we head over to the House. As we pull up about 10:45, Sam comes running out of the house screaming bloody murder that his younger brother was shot and killed and that its all over the news and face book. We just sat there in shock as we saw him run down the street. He ran about a block and then came running back screaming to us to help him. We stood with him and hugged him and tried to calm him down for about 2 hours trying to figure out if Patros was dead or if it was just a rumor. In the bitter hours of this tragic news we watched this man fall apart. He kept quoting that whoever killed his brother had just brought out the monster in him and that he planned on seeking revenge! We were just as broken as he was. He kept saying why now  of all times. And as we sat there, family started coming over and members of the ward to calm him down because he was just a wrecking shop. Punching glass and punching the ground and screaming and then sobbing uncontrollably it was a mess. We had no idea what to do but after hours of calling cops and helping him calm down,  we left and handed the situation off to his family. I was in shock for the rest of the day at what had just taken place. 

After three days,  the house was packed with family and friends. Grieving with them and their loss. We went by and hugged their mother as she kept saying he is gone he is gone. We asked where Sam was but she said he hadn't said a word  in the last 2 days. He had calmed down but had been talking to himself and a little in shock.  Just as the mother had said that,  Sam entered the room and everyone went quiet. He walked over to us and just hugged me. He said that he wanted to still come closer to God and exclaimed that he needed to be strong for Patros. WE told him that we would be here for him and help him work to be baptized. He said he needed time of course but that its still something that he plans on doing. He asked us to pray for him and remember there were about 100 people in this house. And I was asked to say the prayer. I stood there not caring about what to say but to just open my mouth. I uttered out Dear God and everyone just went quiet,  I swear you could here a pin drop. I then began to pour out my heart to God and immediately spirits and angels and just power from God just flooded the room. I couldn't tell you how much I was filled with a force outside of me or anything I could deliver. I finished praying and everyone said Amen. Regardless of being south Sudanese and having different religions, beliefs and cultures. Elder Braegger and me hugged each of the family members one more time and left. My comp said that the prayer was one of the most powerful experiences in his whole mission. I don't know how to describe to you the feeling but I know it was from God and his influence filled that room letting us know that everything was in his hands. 

I have never been in a situation where someone that close to me besides great grandma and grandpa passes on to the next life. It wasn't real to me. but I can say that family is the most important unit of God's plan. We watched this week how his family came into their life at such a crucial time and provided a foundation and support for them during their grieving hours. Such loss can be so hard and in the moment feel like there is no hope but their family and ward family has provided that for them. More importantly their savior our savior has provided a way for them and their brother Portros to live again and live together for eternity. My testimony of the plan of salvation has grown since this past Tuesday. Although its a sad time,  it's a time of hope and continual growth and happiness. Patros is not dead his spirit lives today. 

This week I have been so tired I feel like there will never be an end to it all but I have 14 more weeks to finish strong. We have had so much work going on everyday that it has been exhausting. Let me tell you about more things on the happier side.

We met with Justin L this week. He is progressing well. He is a seminary student at Denver and is a burning christian that wants to learn more about our faith. He has been super open to the BOM and always ends up quoting stuff from the bible that go hand in hand with the bom. He invited us to play volleyball and spike ball in city park which is like Central Park in NY and we had a blast. Played with about 11 other friends and talked to them all about our beliefs. They are super open to it as well. They all go to church together at their local christian church. It's funny how many looks we were getting.   2 guys with white shirts and ties playing sports on a hot day in the park. I'd be weird-ed out too. Only if they knew what we did. They would understand and then we wouldn't have to wear white shirts and ties lol. 

We taught Mading at his mom and sister Pratt's house. One day I will have to tell you their story about coming and escaping from south Sudan. Karak, Madings mom is a leader in Africa that escaped here to help bring financial aid to her people in Africa. It's is such a bad place where they are living. Teaching Mahding is fun. He is a funny boy and we love him so much. He is getting baptized this upcoming April 7th after conference. we are so excited for him! 

We are also teaching Melissa. She is your age mom and has been through a lot. She reminds me of you just because you are similar in age and she kinda looks like you. Such a nice sweet lady. She wants to wash away her past and start to have hope again. She really loves us and she is excited to be baptized.

We are also working with Abrea, kirkland, Ahmed, Dominique and a couple others that we have lessons with. I have never done so much teaching in my life!!!

This is a long email and my hands are cramping. But that has been our week! Love being comps with Elder Braegger such a stud! We will take more pics because we haven't been doing that. oh and you don't have to send in a phone. I get a loaner phone because I'm going home so soon. So don't worry there. Can't wait for our beach trip this upcoming July! I need some sun really bad!

I want to end with my testimony!

I am thankful for the Easter season and the times and seasons set apart to commemorate and remember important times in our lives. Christmas Thanksgiving Easter all these wonderful days. I'm especially grateful for the times and seasons we get to remember our savior and what he has done for each of us. I love this years theme "Because of him. " And because of him there are a lot of blessing we have access to in our lives. His grace and Mercy is infinite and there is nothing that the Savior can't do because he has already done it all. From the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross of Calvary he has walked every mile in our shoes. I'm grateful that no matter where I'm at in my life I can always rely on my Heavenly father through his son Jesus Christ who has suffered all. I have hope when I exercise my faith because I know he wants to bless me. I have strength because in his strength I can do all things. As Ammon said to his brothers,  I do not boast in myself but I boast in my God. I love them and I'm grateful for everything they have helped me through in my life. As I remember him I remember all the experiences I  have ever had in my life and I count my blessing because there are many. This  is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Love you all so much 

14 more weeks!!!!

Elder Brown

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 85 Abundant Blessings

I performed a piece for A fireside.  It was called Peace In Christ.  I performed it in two firesides.   I wrote the violin part and the cello part and added a 3rd vocal.  The original song doesn't have instruments other than the piano but I thought it would sound better if it had the violin and cello in it. It came together really nice. You should send me the recording that President posted. 

 Hey Dad I heard you gave an awesome talk Sunday.  Grandma said she felt like she was at a BYU seminary institute class. There are so many references to the topic of covenants. My favorite is Sampson the Nazerite. I heard L-s lost a nail biter by 1 point! Makes me sad but they had a great season! Makes me miss playing high school sports. I have been thinking a lot about sports and whether I want to try to play in school but I'm not sure if I should. I really want to try but I think there are things that the Lord has in mind for me to pursue but I'm still going to work out and try to get yoked. I want to be decently ripped. I haven't worked out as much because I tweaked my back doing it and had to see the chiropractor again. But I'm always careful. It's just that  I have a delicate naturally fragile ;) frame unfortunately so I have to watch what I do.

I have no clue whats going on in the March Madness tournament.  I wish that I did!

I have got to tell you awesome things about the work! This week has been the most insane week as far as work goes on the mission.....the Lord is just dumping miracles in our area!!! We had 11 return appointments last week. 6 of them are new investigators. We have 11 return app this week. Sam Mabany,  Patros Mabany and Mahding Miakol. Sam is 24 and is 6 foot 9 265 pounds and jacked. Patros is 6 foot 8 and 215 pounds. They are both college football players. They were referrals this week and we picked them up as new investigators.  Sam and Mahding came to church. In the last week we have had 7 referrals and 4 of them are now investigating. The other one named Dominique we have a return appointment this Thursday.
She wants to find a new church. right now we have 11 people in our teaching pool. 

Ahmed, Christine, Melissa, Patros, SAM, Mahding, Justin, Kirkland, Andre, Dominique and a ton of other potential investigators that we either have to stop by and set a time to meet or just contact for the first time. Tons of work and its been amazing to see what the lord can do. While we are speaking we got another referral. its been amazing!!!! I wish you guys could be here and witness it all. Glad I have been called to this ward with this companion. After all trial the lord pours out blessing for our patience and diligence what a blessing!!!!

Great week excited to see what comes.  Pray for us and that the Lord will continue to pour out his abundant blessings! Love you guys

Elder Connor Brown

Week 84 Amazing Week

Amazing week full of missionary work,  stretching from practicing musical numbers, finding new investigators, delivering mail and doing all those things missionaries do!
Incredible workweek, we had 5 non members at church this week,  8 return appointments for this week and super solid investigators to go along with it. It's nice we have been able to teach a lot recently and its awesome how far my teaching abilities have come. We have had really spirit packed lessons this last week. One with this guy Named Lupanda who is from the Congo, Justin Langly who is a college student at DU and Kirkland who happens to be Jewish so Jesus Christ is a difficult one for him to understand but we have been explaining it really well to him and he has been coming around. We are going to start teaching Mahdeen....he is the refugee from South Sudan and loved the church out there and wants to learn more about Christ. We will be teaching him twice a week.  We got back in contact with the Navajo family Tina and her kids. Right now the grandma is super interested. She came to church and wants to be baptized. We gave her a BOM and will be meeting with her this Saturday! I'm really excited to see how that goes!!We will be teaching a ton others this week and I will keep you posted on how those lessons go.

We had the Why I Believe fireside again which was super awesome!!! I composed a song called Peace in Christ. First song I have ever arranged but composed. I wrote out parts for the violin and cello and added another vocal part by adding a harmony on the Chorus. It came together really nice I wish you could have heard it. I'm happy with where my voice is at. I have definitely been improving over the last 2 years its been awesome. 

Our zone has had some crazy things happen. A new elder that has only been out a transfer has had such awful health problems president has decided to send him home to get better. They called us and asked to give the Elder  a blessing. I had the opportunity to give him a blessing and the words just came to me. I didn't think of them prehand but just had confidence the Lord would give me the words to say and it did. People share stories about giving blessings and how the spirit completely takes over and I felt that happen as I started to open my mouth. It was definitely one to remember. I even felt in the blessing for some reason that he was going to go home early and he got a call a day later not even expecting it to happen. We are getting a super awesome missionary in our zone and I'm excited because he plays and sing the guitar super well so we should be playing some music together!!

MLC this week was good. we recieved training for our  smart phones and I will be getting a loaner phone for now.  It's incredible the things we can do.

It  looks like and sounds like Izzy did super well!! 
Elder Braegger is a stud dad,  we work super well together. It's so nice to have a companion that wants to work hard. We both make each other better its great!

Well, great weather this week it should be 57 today and 70 wed so it will be great weather to find some people! Love you guys I'll talk to ya laters

Elder Brown

Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 83 Same Area. New Companion

About school, I don't know who to live with I might just live with Al if he is still down for that. If not then I'll consider rooming with Elder Bird. Elder Chun isn't going to school right away so it would be a while until we would ever live together so that's not an option anymore. Ask Alex what he thinks and let me know. 

Izzy's driving that is so wild. I can only imagine you in the car with her.   I know every reaction and everything you probably say. I can see you holding on to the handle bar on the ceiling and sitting up in your chair oh man!!! Well I bet that has been fun. I like Izzy's little British outfit.  How has her dancing been this year? I hear she is pretty good and has improved a lot. Good for her! I'm good on food clothes and everything else so we are chillin.

Ok for the exciting news my new comp is Elder Braegger. He is from Corinne, Utah way out on a cattle ranch. He is an amazing missionary. President told Elder Bird that me and him are the most solid companionship in the mission.  Everyone thought He would be the next AP or Me.  But the decided to put Two AP's together.   We are going to baptize a lot out of this ward and we are excited. I prayed that I would have a companion that I could just work with and help me finish my mission strong and President and the Lord sent a stellar guy my way. 

So me and Elder Braegger are now the only set of missionaries in the ward now. So we took over the other elders teaching pool. So now we have a lot of potential. At this point now we probably have 12 people that honestly could be baptized in the next 4 months. We could baptize a 9 year old kid who is a refugee from Sudan. He is so cute and told us at church that now he has people that LOVE him. He is such a cute kid! Excited to be teaching him this week. We got in contact with the Navajo fam but they didn't show up to church :( next time though!! I could type you all the names of the potential we have, but that would take a while. Pray that we can start teaching these people and getting the ball rolling. We taught Andre and August a lot this week. they didn't make it out to church. 

Elder Christianson is the new AP he came out with me, he is a good missionary he will do well. Elder Bird told me that while they were figuring out transfers my name was on the board for the assistant along with 7 other guys so its a testimony that it is about who the Lord needs to fill capacities so and I'm okay with not being an assistant I always have. Plus now I can work hard and be in the work! 

Anyway good things a head not worried at all, very thrilled to finish out my mission with Elder Braegger. Couldn't ask for a better ward and better teaching pool! a lot of people to help. in April we will be getting smart phones and I'm stoked, super excited for that! then i can send you tons of pics for sure.

Love ya mom,  have a great week! send me questions and I will answer them​
